We Grow eCommerce Brands Over ₹1Cr Monthly Revenue With Our Integrated Ads, Performance Creatives, and Retention Marketing!

Acex media rigorously assists brands to beef up their revenue into behemoth figures. It’s time to stop spending money on
busted and fruitless ad campaigns and make your ad-budget count by intensifying the sales.

Acex media rigorously assists brands to beef up their revenue into behemoth figures. It’s time to stop spending money on
busted and fruitless ad campaigns and make your ad-budget count by intensifying the sales.

Join The 100+ Brands Founders We Have Helped Grow

Every morning millions of people wake up with a dream to be the tycoon, but only a few make it to the shore. Ever wondered why? It’s because each day, they wake up and start sailing down the sea. That’s it. That is the only action that will truly help to finish the voyage, marking the start of a new journey.

At Acex Media, we have all our eyes laid on Meta, Google and Tiktok ads with monastic focus, because that’s the only action that will move the needle forward for you.

Fueling Predictable & Aggressive Growth:
Our Proven Process

Happy Clients
0 +
Average Roas
0 +
Total Revenue Generated
$ 0 m+

Our 3 Prolonged Processes

Foundational C, A, R

Before we spend $1 on ads, we undergo an operation called Foundational Copywriting, Analysis and Research (C, A, R). This operation enables us to gain a deep-rooted understanding of your ideal customer, industry and competitors and true metrics.

In addition, during this phase we analyse your sales processes to identify any holes that may be prevalent and we look to instantly fill those in. Thus, increasing your sales process conversion rate and enabling us to get as much juice from your advertising dollars as humanly possible (high return on adspend).

Going To Market

Once we have a detailed understanding of your industry, competitors, true metrics and ideal customer (their characteristic and personality traits etc), we then publish the first iteration of ads. This is where we start to collate data and make informed decisions on what is and isn’t working. Equipped with this knowledge, we can then launch new iterations that are 2-4x more profitable and scalable.

Whilst we are implementing on this iteration feedback loop, we’re simultaneously building the structured paid traffic funnel which enables us to seamlessly take a prospect down a specifically tailored path (Top of Funnel down to Bottom of Funnel) which has the end goal of the prospect buying

Ramping upto The $Ms

After going through iterations based off the data we collate, we’ll now know exactly who your ideal customer is, what resonates with them the most (what evokes an innate motivation for them to buy), and where they congregate on the specific paid platform.

It’s at this point that we can now start injecting the proven paid traffic funnel with high spend with predictability and profitability. This is when you’ll start seeing the $Ms roll in.

The Magical Wand That Casts Spell 24/7

Any business that does not have some sort of spell to convert $1 into $3, $4, $6, $8 & $10, is on a road that does not lead to 6 digit revenue. At Acex Media, we’ve  got some spells that can turn your $1 into $5, $8, $10, and even $15. This level of certainty ensures scaling businesses to behemoth figures.Do you wonder what the spells and wands are? They are our strategies and brains respectively.

Tangible, Profitable And Real Results

See How-

₹2.78 Cr in December 2023 with 352% Increase​

Background: A fashion-forward women’s clothing brand had strong products but struggled to capitalize on peak shopping seasons like Black Friday due to ineffective ad scheduling and poor budget management.

Before: The brand’s Facebook and Google Ads were not aligned with peak shopping periods, leading to missed opportunities. They were running ads on autopilot without considering the optimal times for engagement and conversion, which resulted in high ad spend with low returns. Their budget was spread too thin across too many campaigns, diluting the impact of each.

After: We implemented strategic ad scheduling to ensure their ads were shown during peak shopping hours, especially around Black Friday and Christmas. We also consolidated their budget into fewer, high-impact campaigns, focusing on the best-performing products. This led to a 352% increase in sales for December 2023, reaching ₹2.78 Cr. The brand now has a clear strategy for maximizing returns during key shopping periods.

From 5k/mo to $28k/mo at 7x ROAS​

Background: This niche skincare brand had a loyal customer base but struggled to scale their online sales through Facebook and Google Ads. They faced rising CPCs and low conversion rates, making it difficult to achieve profitable growth.

Before: The brand was generating only $5k per month in sales. Their main issue was ad fatigue on Facebook, where their ads were being shown repeatedly to the same small audience, leading to diminishing returns. On Google Ads, they struggled with poor Quality Scores, which resulted in higher costs and lower ad placements. These micro-level issues caused their ad spend to be inefficient, with little return on investment.

After: We tackled these issues head-on by refreshing their Facebook ad creatives to reduce ad fatigue and expanding their audience targeting. On Google Ads, we optimized their campaigns by improving ad copy, landing page relevance, and keyword targeting to boost Quality Scores. As a result, the brand’s monthly sales grew to $28,595.61 within 5 months, with a 7x ROAS. Their ad campaigns are now more efficient, reaching a broader audience at a lower cost.

₹8.9 Cr in 10 Months with 307.8% Growth

Background: This luxury home decor brand was known for its high-quality products, but their Google Ads campaigns were underperforming due to poor keyword targeting and irrelevant traffic, leading to low conversion rates.

Before: The brand was spending a significant portion of their budget on Google Ads but was attracting irrelevant traffic that didn’t convert. Their keyword targeting was too broad, leading to low CTR and a high bounce rate. On Facebook, they were facing issues with high CPMs due to poorly optimized ad creatives that didn’t resonate with their target audience.

After: We fine-tuned their Google Ads campaigns by narrowing down keyword targeting to focus on high-intent search terms, improving CTR and conversion rates. On Facebook, we redesigned their ad creatives to better reflect their luxury brand image, which lowered CPMs and increased engagement. Over 10 months, the brand saw a 307.8% growth in sales, reaching ₹8.3 Cr. Their ads are now more targeted, driving relevant traffic that converts.

$1,37,465.08 YTD Sales with 39%

Background: A premium fitness apparel brand was facing challenges in scaling their sales through Facebook and Google Ads. Despite a strong product lineup, they were struggling with audience overlap and poor performance tracking.

Before: The brand was spending heavily on Facebook and Google Ads, but their campaigns were suffering from audience overlap, where the same users were being targeted across multiple campaigns, leading to high CPA and wasted ad spend. Additionally, their tracking setup was inaccurate, leading to misleading data and poor decision-making. They were stuck at stagnant growth despite their high ad spend.

After: We resolved the audience overlap by segmenting their audiences more effectively across platforms, ensuring that each campaign reached a distinct user group. We also revamped their tracking setup using advanced attribution models, providing clearer insights into campaign performance. As a result, the brand achieved a 39% increase in year-to-date sales, reaching $1,37,465.08, with a more sustainable and scalable ad strategy.

₹17 Lakh Generated in 1 Month

Background: This luxury goods brand faced stagnation due to their previous agency’s “set and forget” approach. The agency failed to refresh ad creatives regularly, leading to ad fatigue and declining performance.

Before: The brand was stuck with outdated creatives that were shown repeatedly to the same audience, causing ad fatigue and higher costs. The lack of a proactive strategy from the previous agency meant the brand was not capitalizing on potential growth opportunities.

Solution: We introduced a dynamic ad strategy, regularly rotating creatives to prevent fatigue and keep the audience engaged. We also implemented a structured testing process to continuously optimize campaign performance.

After: The brand generated ₹17 lakh in total sales within 1 month, with an 8.83x ROAS. The refreshed strategy and ongoing optimization led to renewed growth and a significant boost in ad effectiveness.

$38,697.86 in July 2024 with 182% Increase​

Background: A sustainable fashion brand was struggling with poor ad creative testing and ineffective keyword bidding strategies on Facebook and Google Ads, leading to stagnant growth.

Before: The brand’s Facebook ads were underperforming due to a lack of effective ad creative testing, resulting in low engagement and high CPA. Their Google Ads were not generating the expected returns due to an ineffective bidding strategy that led to high costs and low ad placements. These issues were holding the brand back from achieving its sales potential.

After: We introduced a rigorous ad creative testing process on Facebook to identify the best-performing creatives, which significantly improved engagement and reduced CPA. On Google Ads, we optimized their bidding strategy by focusing on high-intent keywords and adjusting bids to improve ad placement. The brand’s sales surged to $38,697.86 in July 2024, a 182% increase. Their ads are now more effective, with better engagement and lower costs, driving substantial growth.

₹14 Lakh Generated in 1 Month

Background: This tech accessory brand struggled with high CPCs and low engagement on Facebook Ads. Their previous agency lacked a structured approach to testing and optimizing ad creatives and audience targeting.

Before: The brand faced challenges in their Facebook Ads performance, characterized by low engagement rates and ineffective audience targeting. The previous agency’s failure to address these issues resulted in higher costs and missed opportunities for conversions.

Solution: We implemented a comprehensive strategy, conducting an in-depth audit of their Facebook Ads campaigns. We optimized ad creatives and tailored audience targeting to align with the brand’s ideal customers. This systematic testing approach led to improved engagement and relevance.

After: The brand achieved ₹14 Lakh in sales within 1 month with a remarkable 7.13x ROAS. The enhanced ad relevance and targeted audience strategy resulted in lower CPCs and significantly higher conversion rates.

$39,000 Generated in 1 Month

Background: A luxury skincare brand faced challenges with their retargeting campaigns, which were generic and not tailored to specific customer actions. This resulted in low engagement and poor conversion rates.

Before: The brand’s retargeting ads were not personalized, leading to low engagement and poor performance. The previous agency had not customized the retargeting strategy, which meant the same generic ads were shown to all visitors, regardless of their behavior on the website.

Solution: We developed a segmented retargeting strategy, creating personalized ads based on specific actions taken by visitors on the website. This approach made the retargeting ads more relevant and engaging, leading to higher conversions.

After: The brand generated $39,000 in sales within 1 month, with a significant increase in conversion rates from their retargeting campaigns. The personalized approach resonated more with the audience, resulting in better performance.

₹61.06 Lakh in 1 Week with 578% Increase

Background: A direct-to-consumer electronics brand faced challenges in scaling due to poor campaign segmentation and inefficient budget allocation across Facebook and Google Ads.

Before: The brand’s ad campaigns were not properly segmented, leading to generic messaging that didn’t resonate with different customer segments. On Facebook, they struggled with low ROAS because their ads were not tailored to specific audience groups. On Google Ads, they were overspending on broad match keywords that attracted non-converting traffic, wasting a significant portion of their budget.

After: We segmented their campaigns based on customer personas, creating tailored ad messages that spoke directly to each group’s needs and interests. On Google Ads, we shifted their budget from broad match to exact match keywords, improving relevance and conversion rates. In just one week, the brand’s sales skyrocketed by 578%, reaching ₹61.06 Lakh. Their campaigns are now highly efficient, with better budget allocation and segmentation driving significant returns.

$14,000 Generated in 1 Month

Background: A health supplement brand struggled with audience overlap across their Facebook Ads, leading to ad fatigue and increased costs. Their previous agency had not effectively segmented audiences, resulting in inefficient ad spend.

Before: The brand’s Facebook ad campaigns were targeting overlapping audiences, causing ad fatigue and inflated CPAs. The previous agency’s lack of audience segmentation led to lower engagement and poor overall performance.

Solution: We restructured their ad campaigns to eliminate audience overlap, creating distinct audience segments and utilizing lookalike audiences based on high-value customers. This approach reduced ad fatigue and improved ad relevance.

After: The brand generated $14,000 in sales in 1 month, with reduced CPAs and improved ad efficiency. The better-segmented audience targeting led to more effective campaigns and higher returns.

₹4.54 Lakh in 1 Day with 8.39x ROAS

Background: This pet care brand struggled with ad creative fatigue and audience burnout on Facebook, and high CPCs on Google Ads, which were cutting into their profitability.

Before: The brand’s ad creatives on Facebook were outdated and had been running for too long, leading to ad fatigue and audience burnout. Their ads were no longer engaging, and performance had declined sharply. On Google Ads, they were dealing with high CPCs due to competitive keywords, making it difficult to achieve a positive ROI.

After: We refreshed their Facebook ad creatives with new, engaging content that revitalized their campaigns and re-engaged their audience. On Google Ads, we focused on long-tail keywords and optimized their bidding strategy to lower CPCs. As a result, the brand generated ₹4.54 Lakh in sales in just one day, achieving an 8.39x ROAS. Their ads are now performing at a high level, with lower costs and higher engagement

$15,000 Generated in 1 Day

Background: This e-commerce brand was experiencing inconsistent ad performance due to a lack of dynamic creative testing in their Facebook Ads. The brand was manually testing creatives, leading to delays in optimization and missed opportunities.

Before: The brand was struggling with inconsistent ROAS due to the slow and manual process of testing different creatives. This lack of automation in testing meant that the best-performing ads were not being identified and scaled quickly enough.

Solution: We implemented dynamic creative testing in their Facebook Ads, allowing the platform to automatically test different combinations of headlines, images, and CTAs to identify the most effective ones.

After: The brand generated $15,000 in sales within 1 day, with a significant improvement in ROAS as dynamic creative testing delivered the most effective ads to their audience.

₹3.44 Lakh in 1 Day with 10.04x ROAS

Background: A vegan snack brand was struggling with poor ad targeting and high cart abandonment rates, leading to low conversion rates despite steady traffic from Facebook and Google Ads.

Before: The brand’s Facebook and Google Ads were driving traffic to their website, but conversion rates were low due to poor ad targeting and a lack of retargeting strategies. Their ads were not effectively reaching the right audience, and they had no system in place to recover abandoned carts, resulting in missed sales opportunities.

After: We refined their ad targeting to focus on high-intent audiences who were more likely to convert. Additionally, we implemented a retargeting strategy to re-engage users who abandoned their carts, using personalized ads to bring them back to complete their purchase. The brand’s sales reached ₹3.44 Lakh in one day, with a 10.04x ROAS. Their conversion rates have improved significantly, and they now have an effective strategy to recover lost sales.

$19,000 Generated in 1 Month

Background: A home appliance brand was dealing with irrelevant traffic and low conversion rates from their Google Ads campaigns due to broad keyword targeting. Their previous agency did not focus on refining the targeting strategy, leading to inefficient ad spend.

Before: The brand was running broad campaigns that attracted irrelevant traffic, leading to high CPCs and low conversion rates. The previous agency’s failure to refine the keyword strategy resulted in wasted ad spend and poor performance.

Solution: We restructured their Google Ads campaigns, focusing on long-tail, high-intent keywords and implementing negative keywords to filter out irrelevant traffic. We also optimized the ad copy to better align with search intent.

After: The brand generated $19,000 in sales in 1 month, with improved conversion rates and lower CPCs. The more targeted approach drove higher-quality traffic that was more likely to convert.

₹8.90 Lakh in 1 day with a special launch

Background: A luxury watch brand was dealing with high CPMs on Facebook and poor landing page experiences on Google Ads, both of which were hindering their sales growth.

Before: The brand’s Facebook ads were facing high CPMs, making it expensive to reach their target audience. Additionally, their Google Ads were driving traffic to a landing page that was not optimized for conversions, leading to high bounce rates and low sales. These issues were preventing the brand from scaling effectively.

After: We lowered their Facebook CPMs by refining audience targeting and optimizing ad creatives to increase relevance. On Google Ads, we overhauled their landing page to improve user experience and drive conversions. As a result, the brand achieved ₹6.06 Lakh in sales in one day, representing a 16% growth. Their campaigns are now more cost-effective, and their landing page conversion rates have improved significantly.

$27,000 Generated in 1 Month

Background: A luxury fashion brand had previously been working with an agency that didn’t prioritize ad relevance or creative innovation. The brand’s ads were generic and led to low engagement, poor performance, and wasted ad spend.

Before: The brand was struggling with low CTRs and poor ROAS due to generic ads that did not resonate with their target audience. The previous agency had not taken steps to improve ad relevance or refresh creatives, leading to declining performance.

Solution: We improved ad relevance by refining targeting parameters, creating personalized ad copy, and ensuring alignment between ad copy and landing page content. We also introduced fresh creatives to keep the content engaging.

After: The brand generated $27,000 in sales in 1 month, with increased CTRs and a more efficient use of their ad budget. The new strategy led to

₹4.6 Lakh Generated in 1 Day

Background: A fashion brand specializing in high-end clothing was experiencing low engagement on their Facebook Ads due to outdated creatives and a lack of storytelling in their campaigns.

Before: The brand’s ads were visually appealing but failed to connect with their target audience on an emotional level. The lack of narrative and personalized content resulted in ads that were scrolled past, leading to low CTRs and conversion rates.

Solution: We revamped the creative direction by introducing storytelling elements that resonated with the audience’s lifestyle and emotions. We also implemented regular creative testing to keep the content fresh and engaging.

After: The brand generated ₹4.6 Lakh in sales within 1 day, with a 63% increase in engagement. The new creative approach led to higher CTRs and significantly improved conversion rates, capturing the attention of their target audience.

$2,300 Generated in 1 Day

Background: A digital product brand was driving traffic to a landing page that was not optimized for conversions, leading to poor sales performance despite good traffic numbers.

Before: The brand’s landing page had a high bounce rate and low conversion rate due to unclear value propositions, distracting elements, and a complicated checkout process. The lack of focus on CRO was causing them to lose potential customers.

Solution: We performed a comprehensive audit of the landing page and implemented improvements, including simplifying the checkout process, enhancing the value proposition, and adding trust elements like customer reviews and security badges.

After: The brand generated $2,300 in sales within 1 day, with a significant increase in conversion rates. The optimized landing page provided a smoother user experience, turning more visitors into paying customers.

₹2.14 Lakh with 7.33x ROAS on ₹29k Spend

Background: A handcrafted jewelry brand faced challenges with scaling due to inconsistent performance tracking and low ad engagement on both Facebook and Google Ads.

Before: The brand’s ad campaigns were underperforming because of inaccurate performance tracking, leading to poor decision-making. Their Facebook ads suffered from low engagement rates, while their Google Ads were plagued by irrelevant clicks, driving up costs without increasing sales. The lack of reliable data made it difficult to optimize their campaigns effectively.

After: We fixed the tracking issues by implementing advanced analytics tools that provided accurate insights into campaign performance. We also revamped their Facebook ad creatives to boost engagement and optimized their Google Ads to focus on more relevant, high-intent keywords. The brand’s sales grew to ₹2.14 Lakh on a ₹29k spend, achieving a 7.33x ROAS. They now have a clear understanding of their ad performance and are making data-driven decisions that enhance their ROI.

₹1.3 Lakh Generated in 1 Day

Background: A handcrafted jewelry brand faced challenges with scaling due to inconsistent performance tracking and low ad engagement on both Facebook and Google Ads.

Before: The brand’s ad campaigns were underperforming because of inaccurate performance tracking, leading to poor decision-making. Their Facebook ads suffered from low engagement rates, while their Google Ads were plagued by irrelevant clicks, driving up costs without increasing sales. The lack of reliable data made it difficult to optimize their campaigns effectively.

After: We fixed the tracking issues by implementing advanced analytics tools that provided accurate insights into campaign performance. We also revamped their Facebook ad creatives to boost engagement and optimized their Google Ads to focus on more relevant, high-intent keywords. The brand’s sales grew to ₹2.14 Lakh on a ₹29k spend, achieving a 7.33x ROAS. They now have a clear understanding of their ad performance and are making data-driven decisions that enhance their ROI.

What Our Clients Say About Acex Media

Shamant (Founder of Something co)

Ankush Barjata (Founder of Deeva)


Frequently Asked Questions

We will be able to give the best answer to this after a quick audit of your advertising efforts. However, our effort differs from the first stage itself, rather than throwing everything on the wall and hoping some of it sticks, we actually strategically figure out the best pillars in your advertising and then put the load to scale up. It creates a momentum that's unstoppable.

The fee would be bespoke after understanding your budget investment and work scope. We're not in favour of creating a 'One Size Fits All' offer. The KPIs we set as expectation, will always be profitable for you.

We only work with eCommerce brands and businesses or medium to large scale/budgets, and of any niche. As long as we see we can help Or you with your goals, we offer to work with you.

In the section below you have two ways to reach out to us. Please f0ll0w that or directly message our co-founder on social media if you're connected. 

We offer Paid ads such as Meta (Facebook + Instagram), Google ads, Tiktok ads + Tikok shop managment and email marketing


Frequently Asked Questions

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