Join The 100+ Brands Founders We Have Helped Grow

Ready to level up your E-commerce game? 

With Our proven strategies, we can help you hit the ₹1 Crore mark and beyond. We’ve got the inside track to drive real results.

At Acex Media, we have all our eyes laid on Meta, Google and Tiktok ads with monastic focus, because that’s the only action that will move the needle forward for you.

Our 5-step Integrated Advertising Method

Deep Market Research

We dive deep into understanding your target audience. By exploring their demographics, behaviors, and preferences, we tailor strategies that truly resonate. Our research covers the platforms they use, the language they prefer, and the content that grabs their attention. This thorough approach ensures every campaign connects with your audience effectively.

Social Monitoring

We don’t just follow trends—we listen. By monitoring social media, forums, and communities, we uncover your customers’ questions, concerns, and needs. This allows us to craft messages that directly address their pain points, positioning your brand as the solution they’ve been looking for. It’s about being part of the conversations that matter most.


Competitor Analysis

We study both direct and indirect competitors to see what’s working and where the opportunities lie. By examining their strategies, customer interactions, and product offerings, we develop plans that set your brand apart. This informed approach helps us identify market gaps and create unique value for your audience.

Account Structure

A well-organized account is key to a successful marketing campaign. We structure your accounts to align with your goals, segmenting campaigns by product lines, audience types, and sales funnel stages. This ensures efficient budget allocation, better tracking, and the flexibility to adapt strategies in real time for optimal performance.

Retention Marketing

Winning new customers is just the start; keeping them is where the real success lies. We focus on retention strategies that keep customers engaged and loyal to your brand. Through personalized communication, exclusive offers, and ongoing engagement, we build lasting relationships that boost customer loyalty and turn them into brand advocates.

Happy Clients
0 +
Average Roas
0 +
Total Revenue Generated
$ 0 m+

Tangible, Profitable And Real Results See How We Do It Here:

From 5k/mo to $28k/mo at 7x ROAS​

Background: This niche skincare brand had a loyal customer base but struggled to scale their online sales through Facebook and Google Ads. They faced rising CPCs and low conversion rates, making it difficult to achieve profitable growth.

Before: The brand was generating only $5k per month in sales. Their main issue was ad fatigue on Facebook, where their ads were being shown repeatedly to the same small audience, leading to diminishing returns. On Google Ads, they struggled with poor Quality Scores, which resulted in higher costs and lower ad placements. These micro-level issues caused their ad spend to be inefficient, with little return on investment.

After: We tackled these issues head-on by refreshing their Facebook ad creatives to reduce ad fatigue and expanding their audience targeting. On Google Ads, we optimized their campaigns by improving ad copy, landing page relevance, and keyword targeting to boost Quality Scores. As a result, the brand’s monthly sales grew to $28,595.61 within 5 months, with a 7x ROAS. Their ad campaigns are now more efficient, reaching a broader audience at a lower cost.

$1,37,465.08 YTD Sales with 39%

Background: A premium fitness apparel brand was facing challenges in scaling their sales through Facebook and Google Ads. Despite a strong product lineup, they were struggling with audience overlap and poor performance tracking.

Before: The brand was spending heavily on Facebook and Google Ads, but their campaigns were suffering from audience overlap, where the same users were being targeted across multiple campaigns, leading to high CPA and wasted ad spend. Additionally, their tracking setup was inaccurate, leading to misleading data and poor decision-making. They were stuck at stagnant growth despite their high ad spend.

After: We resolved the audience overlap by segmenting their audiences more effectively across platforms, ensuring that each campaign reached a distinct user group. We also revamped their tracking setup using advanced attribution models, providing clearer insights into campaign performance. As a result, the brand achieved a 39% increase in year-to-date sales, reaching $1,37,465.08, with a more sustainable and scalable ad strategy.

₹1.4 Crore Generated in 1 Month

Background: This tech accessory brand was facing high CPCs and low Quality Scores on Google Ads. Their previous agency did not focus on systematic testing or optimizing ad copy to improve relevance.

Before: The brand was seeing poor performance in their Google Ads campaigns due to low Quality Scores and irrelevant keyword targeting. The previous agency’s lack of attention to these details resulted in higher costs and lower ad visibility.

Solution: We conducted a comprehensive audit of their campaigns, optimizing keyword targeting and improving ad copy to better match the user’s search intent. This approach led to higher Quality Scores and more efficient ad spend.

After: The brand generated ₹1.4 Crore in sales within 1 month with a 7.13x ROAS. The improved Quality Scores and targeted keyword strategy resulted in lower CPCs and better conversion rates.

₹4.54 Lakh in 1 Day with 8.39x ROAS

Background: This pet care brand struggled with ad creative fatigue and audience burnout on Facebook, and high CPCs on Google Ads, which were cutting into their profitability.

Before: The brand’s ad creatives on Facebook were outdated and had been running for too long, leading to ad fatigue and audience burnout. Their ads were no longer engaging, and performance had declined sharply. On Google Ads, they were dealing with high CPCs due to competitive keywords, making it difficult to achieve a positive ROI.

After: We refreshed their Facebook ad creatives with new, engaging content that revitalized their campaigns and re-engaged their audience. On Google Ads, we focused on long-tail keywords and optimized their bidding strategy to lower CPCs. As a result, the brand generated ₹4.54 Lakh in sales in just one day, achieving an 8.39x ROAS. Their ads are now performing at a high level, with lower costs and higher engagement

₹3.44 Lakh in 1 Day with 10.04x ROAS

Background: A vegan snack brand was struggling with poor ad targeting and high cart abandonment rates, leading to low conversion rates despite steady traffic from Facebook and Google Ads.

Before: The brand’s Facebook and Google Ads were driving traffic to their website, but conversion rates were low due to poor ad targeting and a lack of retargeting strategies. Their ads were not effectively reaching the right audience, and they had no system in place to recover abandoned carts, resulting in missed sales opportunities.

After: We refined their ad targeting to focus on high-intent audiences who were more likely to convert. Additionally, we implemented a retargeting strategy to re-engage users who abandoned their carts, using personalized ads to bring them back to complete their purchase. The brand’s sales reached ₹3.44 Lakh in one day, with a 10.04x ROAS. Their conversion rates have improved significantly, and they now have an effective strategy to recover lost sales.

Sold their entire inventory

This brand came to us because they had a poor experience with ads. They tried changing their offer,creatives, audiences but nothing seemed to work. 

We came on board and identified a few loopholes and once we fixed them. Their ads started getting insanely profitable. 

We ended up selling their entire inventory while scaling 😉

What our Clients Say About Acex Media

Shamant (Founder of Something co)

Ankush Barjata (Founder of Deeva)

Who this is for?

✓Business owners feeling stuck and unable to move forward.
✓Business owners frustrated with inconsistent growth or feeling like they could be doing more.
✓Business owners tired of agencies that don’t deliver on their promises.
✓Business owners ready to reach ₹1 crore in sales and keep growing.
✓Business owners with a strong desire to be the best in their industry and outshine their competitors.


Frequently Asked Questions

We're all about driving growth through a winning combo of killer ads, eye-catching creatives, and strategies to keep customers coming back.

We've got a proven track record of turning e-commerce businesses into cash cows. As a top-tier Meta Partner, we're in the know when it comes to the latest trends and tools.

From crafting winning ad campaigns to creating show-stopping visuals, we've got you covered. We'll help you optimize your marketing efforts and keep your customers engaged.

Absolutely! We tailor our services to fit your unique needs, whether you're just starting out or a seasoned pro.

Sure thing! We've got plenty of case studies to share. Let's talk about how we've helped other businesses grow.


Frequently Asked Questions

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